Partner Blog - Collaboration Best Practice

The Knowledge Hub approach to digital collaboration and engagement

Here are our top ten tips for building and developing an online collaboration group on Knowledge Hub:

  1. Purpose – a community always needs a clear reason to exist. What are you setting out to achieve?

  2. Audience – who’s it for?

  3. Benefits – why are people going to join? What is in it for them? Maybe it’s essential knowledge for their work, perhaps it will help them gain new skills, or come into contact with experts in their field.

  4. Champions – identify people who are passionate about this too and ask them to help you lead/facilitate the community.

  5. Communications – invite the right people, prompt people regularly, personalise communications where you can e.g. acceptance messages, send messages about individual items you think people can help with.

  6. Content strategy – start with some key content that will really draw people in – aim to upload at least one or two items or comments each week, encourage your champions to do the same.

  7. Drip feed via notifications – regular communications and reminders really work. Email is still king, so get people to sign up to notifications and make sure there are regular posts.

  8. Teamwork – use your champions well. Facilitating a community can be a lot less onerous if you all spend 10 minutes a day on an allocated task rather than letting the responsibility all fall to one person.

  9. Encouragement – when people do get involved in communities, they like to feel part of something and that it’s a trusted environment. Encouraging people and feeding back when they do start to engage helps them feel more comfortable about sharing.

  10. Evolve – don’t be afraid to change your approach if it’s not working. Keep refining what you’re doing and gain an understanding of what works best for your community.

If you would like to learn more about Knowledge Hub and what we do click here to go to our site.


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