Mel Ross Mel Ross

Leadership 2020 Vision Manifesto

A new manifesto for developing the leadership we need for a digital age.

Hi and welcome to our Leadership 2020 Vision Manifesto. This is a simple, yet powerful 5-point manifesto for all leaders out there and those of you who support the development of leadership around you. It’s time to kick talking into touch and start to take action.

Join the manifesto here

What is the Leadership 2020 Vision manifesto?

It’s a call to arms to start shifting our way of thinking and developing leadership for a digital age faster than is currently happening.

What is in the Leadership 2020 Vision manifesto?

Here are the initial 5 points we have set out. If you think they need changing, amending or if you have something you would like to add then join the community to share your voice.

Here are the 5 points of the manifesto:

  1. Redefine and reposition leadership away from command leadership.

    Embrace wider definitions of the term through wider access and inclusivity. Start with 3 simple leadership tribes: The first is the obvious leader by label – those people who are in traditional leadership roles already. The second is Leaders of change; internally this means everyone who is responsible for driving change from project management, change management, L&D, OD, technology – we are all leaders and should be recognised as such. Externally we must start to recognise, embrace and include leaders of change – people who are making a difference in the world. These people don’t have to be famous, they can be sitting next to you right now at work and you don’t even know it! Finally, Leaders of the future – this is more than thinking about top talent or the obvious traditional idea of future leadership – this is about embracing where leadership potential exists – women in leadership, supporting the growth of leadership in developing countries, older generations re-entering the workplace, Veterans with values and attitudes that are so transferrable… - let's broaden our thinking around who and how we define leaders of the future

  2. Start with ONE

    The power of change starts with us as individuals. Committing to making one change individually to get things started. If we all start to focus on the power of one – it’s only a matter of time before it starts rubbing off on people around us and a collective shift starts to happen.

  3. Mindset before skill

    Focus on attitude and belief – not skill and capability. Stop thinking first about the skills needed in our development plans or what skills you are looking for in the leadership role we are recruiting for – prioritise values and beliefs, search for evidence of the right attitude and behaviour, rather than evidence of profit and proof of financial success.

  4. Have a humanity focus.

    Many of us are starting to place the customer at the heart of design, which is great, but we need more. It’s time to bring community and environment into play – let’s make this about humanity – about the human and about our society – not separate the two or focus on just one.

  5. Finally – the manifesto calls for a mandate around data literacy. The practice of data ethics and taking self accountability for data. We’ve all heard stories in the news about data identity, cybersecurity and the manipulation of data when it's big and when we've got the technology to mine and exploit it, there is a growing reality and need to act as individuals and become accountable ourselves. We as leaders must role model data literacy in everything we do. We call this data mindfulness.

Please join the movement and commit to the manifesto yourself.
Share the manifesto amongst your peer groups, colleagues and your organisation.

Most importantly, please share across social media, let’s take action and help shift our positioning of leadership across the world.

Thank you,

The Adapt2Digital/Dilyn Team

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