Why now - more than ever - is the perfect time to be a coach and mentor

I have a theory. In January 2020 we were on the verge something big. The world was recognising digital transformation, purposeful business and tech for good if challenged, or tough because of something other than budget, capability, timing (and dare I say) even culture - the challenge was leadership. How leaders think and behave.

The way leaders think and their frame of reference influences the creation of vision and development of strategy so crucial to a successful future. The way they behave gives others an experience and image of how they should behave too; a glimpse of what the future looks like in practice, in the moment of now - the secret to digital transformation success.

Then COVID hit.

For us as a business it was a shock to find leaders all over the world head into war rooms, crisis management meetings and pivot conversations. because that meant they didn’t want to focus on themselves. All of a sudden that bubble that was about to burst - shooting the lid off what really makes digital transformation successfully was firmly back on. Largely, I agree with this, however, fast forward to today. Whichever country you are reading from today, you are either at the beginning or end of either a 2nd, perhaps 3rd wave…

Add to this the following thought: Since COVID huge amounts of data and research has celebrated the golden age of digital transformation acceleration rates sometimes touted as high as 10 years ahead.

Great! well, kinda.

As lockdown rules start to relax - what may happen? That pull back to our old behaviours and ways of thinking could kick in. That’s the power of the mind and habits so deeply ingrained in us, even considering the huge disruption caused by the virus. I’m not saying things go back completely - it’s about becoming conscious and mindful in ourselves of the potential for this happening - questioning when it’s for good, or when it might be the mind pulling us back to old habits…

Why now - more than ever - is the perfect time for coaches and mentors

If you are a coach, mentor or aspire to be one to help others unlock their potential - you are in a unique, and I believe, important position. Very few people get the opportunity to speak 121 or in small groups with leaders to talk about the impact of thinking and behaviour on the people and systems around them. It’s these conversations that provide a platform for leaders to recognise this and change for good within themselves. To be guided on the journey of transformation to rewire their habitual, unconscious leadership practice from pre-COVID to a different kind of now - (what I can CH-OW (Change-Now)…every moment is new, unique and transient). If we can do that then we know change for good has a chance of sticking.

Leaders should be supported and helped through this shift in mindset and behaviour

This means rewiring habits - to make them stick

This is where coaches and mentors can help.

For me this puts the role of coach and/or mentor way up there and why we dedicate so much of our time to training and helping business coaches and mentors all over the world connect their current value with the digital transformation agenda. When you marry these two together you can help clients and customers thrive not survive, lean into digital transformation not shy away, embrace now as a moving object not see change as a single fixed destination.

If you are an established business, executive coach or mentor - you probably hear the your clients talk about change and digital transformation. Building your own digital transformation competency can help add relevance, meaning and unique dimension to something already valuable.

So many of the coaches and mentors we work with value our training for several reasons:

  1. They experience the value of digital transformation for themselves and their own business - getting more customers, building reach and visibility.

  2. They can reference a framework specific to the human element of digital transformation that many leaders are soul searching for.

  3. They can meet the leader where they are in terms of digital transformation.

I’m constantly seeing and hearing stories where coaches and mentors with the privilege of 121 or small group conversations help leaders unlock their potential and recognise their value in the digital transformation agenda - helping leaders lean in, build confidence, take risk, experiment, become more data mindful and ultimately build visions and implement strategies that make the world a better place by bringing humanity back to the table.

For more information on becoming a certified mentor-coach to differentiate your service and value to leaders please feel free to reach out to me directly or check out either our website or our community platform. See you soon.

“Now more than ever is a perfect time to be a coach and mentor.”


Mel Ross
Digital Leadership Mentor Coach and passionate about accelerating Digital Business Transformation.

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