The elusive FLOW. What is Flow and can we develop this as a skill, to call upon when required? Absolutely yes! Flow practice is fast becoming a sought after leadership competency in the era of AI and distraction. In this session Mel will take you on a journey of history and neuroscience with some practical tips to start to bring more flow into your leadership practice and life.
Attention in the era of AI is a rich commodity like oil. In a world that is constantly trying to pull our focus away from what’s important we can become distracted and overwhelmed. So, how do we manage our attention as digital leaders 2.0?
The power of word is a key part of being a successful digital leader 2.0. Our words carry so much power. They impact how others respond to us. Words are not only about the words we speak, they are also the words we think to ourselves. Our self talk. In this video I teach you about The Wheel of Expression and how this tool can be used by you to develop your digital leadership 2.0 in terms of positive relational energy.